Now on air

Is er nog koffie?

09:00 11:00

Now on air

Is er nog koffie?

09:00 11:00


Sweden, Kavline, Dan Olsson

Evenement info
Datum: 12 december 2020

Dear radio friends on Radio Monique.

My name is Dan Olsson and I am a swedish radio listener.

The 12 of December I had the pleasure to hear Radio Monique from

The Netherlands on 918 kHz between 21.40-22.20 local time.

Here are some details from the programme:

21.42  Music ”Imagination” with Belouis Somm

21.58  Music ”More than a Word” with Extreme

22.05  Music ”Lovers eye” with Nadien

22.12  Music ”Rockin in the free World” with Niel Young

22.17  Music ”Western wind” with Donna Winner

I listen to Radio Monique with an ALA 100 loop antenna 8 x 30 metre.

Radio Monique was heard with the SINPO-code 3-3-4-3-3.

That was nice music in the programme.

I live in a  small city called Kävlinge with 11.000 inhabitantes.

Kävlinge are situated in southwest of Sweden about 30 kilometre from Malmoe.

Kävlinge are founded on 1100-centrury.

I am 60 years old and I work as a teacher for children between 6-9 years.

My interest are:listen to radio, sport and collect stamps.

Best regards f rom

Dan Olsson
