Now on air

13:00 14:00

Now on air

13:00 14:00


Spain, Cantabria, Jorge

Evenement info
Datum: 10 januari 2021

Happy New Year Radio Monique,

This is Jorge from Cantabria, Spain (IberiaDX in the pirate radio chat). I write you to inform that finally! I could hear your signal on 27th November 2020 on 918 kHz.


I live in a beautiful valley in Cantabria: The Valle de Toranzo, but probably you already visited Cantabria. In case you didn’t, keep my e-mail as I will be vey glad to show you some lovely corners if you come down here.


I have been trying to get your signal several times but unsuccessfully due to the preence of Radio Inter from Madrid on 918 kHz. I tried each time its transmitter swithched off due to a shortage but propagation did not face me! But on that date it did it! I am glad for three reasons.


Firstly because it’s the first time I hear your signal, people talked to me about your station but I couldn’t hear it before (well I did it by streaming but it’s not the same).


Secondly because you are RADIO MONIQUE. You and other stations as Radio Caroline or Mi Amigo are the pillars of the free radio in our old Europe. Did you know that the Caroline’s vessel radio mast was erected here in Cantabria, not far from my house.

And third because I was trying to hear low-powered stations with my small portable without any other antenna than the ferrite built-in, as I was trying to hear weak stations on the barefoot.


Which is the power you use and the city from where you broadcasts? Iwould like to have some more info about you to post it in the blog.


I could hear your signal because Radio Inter (from Madrid) was off for more than two months. After Inter was off, African stations started to appear on that frequency, but finally Radio Monique arrived. I heard you just twice in the month of November and never again (propagation is a kind of magic, don’t you think so).


Quality reception was medium to poor sometimes due to fading and stormy noise. I could not record even an audio clip but I have a brief report to send you. I hope you consider valid my listening. Here you are:


Station: Radio Monique AM. Freq. : 918 kHz. Date: 27th November 2021.

Time UTC: 05:41 > 05:48. SINPO: 25322. 


05:41. Song ‘Bad, bad Leroy Brown’ by Jim Croce.

05:45. Lionel Riche sings ‘Hello’

(At 05:48 the QSB was deep and QRN increased and the signal disappeared. 


I must apologize for the delay to send this report as I wrote details in a paper and I found it now. It would be a honour for me to receive your QSL card as a souvenir if this is not a nuisance for you. In case you send a card QSL my address is at the foot’s signature.


I would like to wish you a very happy and Healthy New Year 2021 for you and yours.


Thank you fro being and be still on!


Waiting to hear from you soon,