Now on air

Is er nog koffie?

10:00 11:00

Now on air

Is er nog koffie?

10:00 11:00


Finland, Vantaa, Vesa Rinkin

Evenement info
Datum: 27 december 2020

My name is Vesa Rinkinen, I am an AM radio hobbyist from Finland monitoring regularly signals from distant AM stations. I am writing to inform that I have succeeded to receive Radio Monique 918 AM here in Finland. Attached please find a short audio clip of the broadcast, which I succeeded to record. I would appreciate it if you could confirm, that this signal was originated from Radio Monique.

  • Date of reception: December 27, 2020
  • Time: 21.00 CET
  • Frequency: 918 AM
  • Receiver: Microtelecom Perseus SDR
  • Antenna: long-wire of 500 meters, beamed to 250 degrees

Thank you for your broadcast!

I live in Vantaa in South Finland. This is Finland’s 4th largest town with the population of 225.000, 9 miles north of our capital city Helsinki.