Finland, Espoo, Jim Solatie
Evenement info
Datum: | 22 november 2020 |
> Radio Monique
> Beste vrienden,
> Ik schrijf jullie om te laten weten dat ik jullie programma heb
> ontvangen in Finland op 22.11.2020 bij 13.00 – 13.30 uur lokale tijd
> op de frequentie van 918 kHz. Dit was mogelijk omdat de ionosfeer soms
> signalen terug kan reflecteren naar de aarde als een spiegel.
> Bijgesloten vinden jullie een korte opname, klik op de link en luister
> naar wat ik gehoord heb!
> Ik zou het fijn vinden als jullie zouden kunnen controleren of ik het
> goed heb gehoord en of dit signaal oorspronkelijk uit jullie
> toren/mast afkomstig was. Ik ben 50 jaar oud en heb deze hobby vanaf
> mijn 35e. Ik heb deze ontvangstbevestiging nu al uit 225 landen (FM:
> 45 landen). Ik wens jullie het beste en hoop dat jullie transmissie
> zelfs nog verder dan Finland te horen zal zijn!
> I am sorry my Dutch is not so good, so I hope you don’t mind if I
> continue my letter in English. Thank you very much for your programme.
> It was a great pleasure to listen to Radio Monique on 918 kHz here in
> Finland!
> I am 50 years old, married, a father of two lovely & lively kids and
> working with a marketing research company as a managing director. My
> favourite hobbies are sports and listening to foreign radio stations
> (DX-listening).
> I work with leading media companies in Northern Europe, including
> online media, print, tv and radio. Thus I find it extremely
> interesting to tune into foreign radio stations. Actually radio is
> both professionally and personally my most favourite media, the one I
> spend most of my time with. Radio simply reaches you everywhere, is
> very useful and is so much fun to listen to.
> I received your station as follows:
> Date of reception: The 22nd November 2020
> Time: 13.00 – 13.30 Dutch time
> Frequency: 918 kHz
> Receiver: Perseus
> Antenna: 550-meter longwire antenna directed to the Netherlands (240
> degrees)
> Location: Bromarv, some 140 km west of Helsinki
> Program details:
> On the enclosed audiofile I have recorded your program at 13.00 hours
> with a nice station identification “Your favourite Radio Monique on
> 918″, and again at 13.14 hours with more station identifications. The
> other station on the frequency was Radio T-Pot.
> It was fantastic to hear your signal so far away and I hope the
> recording is of interest. I hope you enjoy listening to the audioclip
> as much as I did enjoy hearing your station!
> Here in Espoo we have a local radio listeners club, Espoon
> DX-Kuuntelijat. We are some 20 active members, meeting once a month
> and having listening trips around Finland. With other DX-clubs in
> Finland we publish ‘Radio World’ -magazine. If you will visit Finland
> and Espoo one day, please visit our club, too. You are most welcome!
> I would appreciate very much if you verified that I heard your
> station. It would be very nice to receive a verification letter, card
> or e-mail from you, simply saying that I really heard your station.
> Many thanks already in advance.
> Thank you very much for your program. I hope to hear your station in
> the future, too.
> With very best wishes,
> Jim Solatie
> Tontunmäentie 41 as 6
> 02200 Espoo